The Activism Academy

Throughout the past decade of working with activist communities across the world, fighting for peace and justice, human rights, for dignity and the environment I’ve carried with me this idea, of creating a place to gather some of the greatest voices speaking up in the global fight for freedom. The Activism Academy is the culmination of that.
I firmly believe that there is an urgent need to amplify the voices of activists fighting for a more just, more inclusive, and healthier world in which we all can thrive. I’ve pledged to build stages, to create spaces for those voices who most need a platform, for the development of ideas, for dissent, for challenges, and for solutions. The Activism Academy is a space for strong opinions, for beliefs that can change the world and for us to come together as global warriors for peace.
While we do not believe in objectivity we do believe in the pursuit of approaching Platonic ideals, the search for the kernel of objective reality in all things, building on the scientific method as developed over the millennia by the great thinkers on whose shoulders we stand.
The late Kofi Annan, with whom I had the pleasure of working for the last years of his life held the firm belief that you never were too young to lead, nor too old to learn. The Activism Academy will be a space both to lead and to learn, for activists of all ages.
Here we seek to gather news about global campaigns and campaigners, and about the issues, they care about. We seek to amplify their views and opinions, and we seek to build resources, materials, and training content for those who wish to pick up the mantle and lead the path to a better tomorrow in their own communities.
While we certainly will fight for free expression we also firmly believe that free expression can only be achieved under certain conditions. Freedom comes with a responsibility to not infringe on the freedoms of others. We celebrate the value of diversity of opinions and worldviews, but will thus not permit behaviors that are intended to limit the ability of our writers to express themselves freely. This shall be a place to express dissenting opinions and views, not a place to infringe, limit, threaten, or harras those who represent the plethora of diverse voices we seek to amplify.
So be kind to each other, explore ideas, debate, and thrive – united we stand stronger in the fight for justice, liberty and the freedom to pursue happiness.
In time we hope this will grow into a community of engaged changemakers from around the globe. Here you’ll find the latest news on campaigns and causes from around the world, resources for campaigning and advocacy, in-depth analysis, opinions, philosophical articles on ethics and politics to strengthen the backbones of your activism, tips, tricks and tools for staying safe while engaging with rogue governments, terrorists and tyrants, and much, much more.
In the meantime figure out how you can contribute, and support the development of the academy and our work.